The John Wesley Institute spearheaded the production of The Next Methodism (Seedbed, 2022), bringing together 35 faithful Wesleyan scholars to write about their hope for the Next Methodism.
Methodism is now itself on the cusp of renewal and the authors of The Next Methodism – scholars and church leaders committed to the Wesleyan message – are convinced that this renewed Wesleyan movement will emerge as unapologetically orthodox, authentically sacramental, vigorously engaged with the poor, and loving toward all people in nothing less than the holy love of Jesus Christ. The next Methodism will proclaim the good news of Christ that sets captives free in the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father.
To order The Next Methodism click here.

The Faith Once Delivered is a powerful document for this century. It is timeless and a very significant guide for the future. This should be in the hands of every church leader globally.
—Jo Anne Lyon, General Superintendent Emerita, The Wesleyan Church
This text emerged from the Next Methodism Summit where more than fifty Wesleyan scholars gathered in Alexandria, Virginia, in January of 2022. The event was a time of worship, fellowship, and deep theological work. The end to which they gathered was to describe essential Methodist teachings that can face the challenges posed by cultural, social, and political forces that attempt to subvert the Christian witness and reroute the focus of the Wesleyan community.